Friday, August 26, 2011

What did You do This Summer? - [Building Contest!]

ROBLOX has a new contest again! This contest is about what you did this summer like: going to the beach, staying home playing ROBLOX or video games, even going to the ROBLOX Rally 2011! Here are the prizes that the winners will recieve!

ROBLOX for N00bs:

Desc: Every player is a N00b at some point! This book explains how to go from N00blet to ROBLOX Block Star in 12 easy to follow chapters.

Awarded for accurate voting precentages between 90 and 100

Math Textbook:

Desc: You can't actually learn math through osmosis.

Awarded for ratings between 1550 and 9999

Darkseed: The Fallen:

Desc: The true story of ROBLOX's baddest pumpkin head.

Awarded for ratings between 1850 and 9999

Here is my contest entry!

The ROBLOX Rally 2011 is my contest entry! Want to check it out? Go Here!

ROBLOX Rally 2011!

The ROBLOX Rally 2011 was the best ROBLOX event this year! If you don't believe me, watch the videos below this! If you didn't go, you missed out on meeting the administrators, getting to see new upcoming features, and learn from the creators of ROBLOX.

Have a great summer everyone!